In the Reality of believe that if anyone seeks to know the truth about any of the facets of life, the answers are in God's Word. His truths are available to all of us. This is a broad statement because when we take a closer look, there are hindrances we all face in order to learn and grasp His Truths.
Such hindrances usually come just from being human. We use our human logic and naturally look at things from our own cultures, educations, ages, etc. One of the greatest blessings of learning, come from learning with the “divine of light” that we have. Each time we learn or experience something, it becomes part of the resources we draw from our minds into our hearts and souls. One new thing can shed a great divine light on everything else. Which in turn, manifests into all things are Good.
And so we go through our lives with our ever increasing measures of divine light. This is how it works for true followers of Jesus Christ and God Almighty. It also works “negatively” for those who reject the Lord and His voice that has always been reaching out to them. The Bible says that to those who are wise with what the Lord gives them, He gives more. And to those who are not, He takes away. What is often missed is that this applies to reasoning. Just try to reason with a fool. One does not become a fool by accident. And if someone is wise in the Lord, they are easy to reason with. Most of us are somewhere in between one extreme or the other but we are all either going forward or backwards, even if we have little trials and tribulations along the way.
We have to be open to the Lord enough, that He can correct wrong ideas and even sometimes wrong foundations that we might have learned. If we are not, then we will not be able to move forward in the direction for which was intended as to All is Good. When it comes to Truth, this really matters for all of us, as only truth builds upon truth. How can you expect to become a better person if you’re not willing to accept the facts that you have been doing wrong.
With these thoughts in mind, I will explain about the dragon and the beasts.
The one main factor that has been presented on the Lambs Book of Life its total makeup is of Images, the one True Language that all walks of life can see and understand and only Evil will not, nor will they understand it. In the Bible Gods Truth it also speaks of Images throughout the Visions from God to Man. Part of the Hidden Message in the Bible is in relation to these Images and the Numeric Code that’s written within the Bible is the Tool / Aid that helps in all aspects to the Bible, The Lambs Book of Life and the Acts and Works of Men from the past to the present and the future to come. In all means they all are Symbolic in reference to other meanings, same but different for which you see in part or in whole as an Entirety so the Truth can be Told.
The Seven Headed Beast that has Risen up from the Earth now Stands before all Humanity. The Body of the Seven Headed Beast is the point for which the Seven Heads Controls that, that extend down to the mighty Paws for which it stands upon the Earth. The body Represents the Business and Corporate infrastructure that feeds the Seven Headed Beast that gives its Power to the Mighty Paws that stands on the four Corners of the Earth through the Networks it Controls. The Body of the Seven Headed Beast is Spotted like that of a Leopard for good cause and reason for a Leopard never changes its Spots. (God States; It Shall be the Remnants from World War Two that shall bring Forth World War Three). For when they produce the infrastructure it’s the same for all Nations they Control. (one Policy / one set of Laws)(one World Order) all being for the Control of the Anti-Christ.
The Lion Head the King of the Beast, the mind, the think tank where all major decisions are made and dispatched through the Networks systems into the infrastructures and down to the Corporate and Business Sectors and the Governmental Sectors where their commands are carried out.
The Crown of Ten Horns upon its Head; The Ten Cities, Kingdoms of Gold (Wealth) form the four Corners of the Earth through the Network Systems through the infrastructure through the Corporate and Business Sectors they Control. As they Composite and Compile data to Accumulate all information to Compose the makeup of a Total Rewrite or Construction of the Infrastructures for which they Govern All Things. The Total Infrastructure Plan is also written for the Government, the Eagles Claw / Talon you see in the Photo representing the Power of the Governmental Powers / Laws.
The Serpent in the Background with the Ten Horns on its Head Represents the Medical and Pharmaceutical Empire whereas the Ten Horns Represents the Various Networks it’s connected to through Genetic Alteration, Generic, Synthetic, Artificial and Scientific Creations such as Stem Cell Growth and Cloning, to Artificial Insemination of Eggs and In Vitro implants in Women all brought on by Chemical means and Genetic Alterations all with the effects that can Sever Human Lives. For the Mighty Jaws and Fangs of the Serpent Represents exactly that the means to Devour Human Lives. Through the massive entanglement cause and effect to effects and causes brings about the Confusion between Sound Judgement and Error. For in the beginning of the makeup of the Medical Network / Doctors Fields, Doctors were high in supply and suffering from low incomes. In vase Seminars of Teaching these words were Spoken. To obtain more income you need to only Treat the Symptoms and not Administer the Cure, for if you Cure the Patient you will runout of Patients and if you only Treat the Symptoms you will always have a Return / Repeat Patient that will build up your Client list. And if you invest in Pharmaceuticals you will gain a Second Income Stream as well as gain the Pharmaceuticals that will only Treat the Symptoms. Some Pharmaceutical Companies even pay a percentage / perks for all Medications you Prescribe.
The Serpent is mainly close to the Seven Heads for Financial Backing and Support for vase buildings of Hospitals, Clinics, Test Centers, Treatment Centers, and Medical Building for Doctors and Pharmacies.
This Serpent is also linked with the Serpent that’s Rising up in Satan’s Lair as the Staff of Satan with the same Venomous bite that Represents Drugs, Marijuana, Cannabis, Vaping Chemicals and Alcohol abuse.